Products & Services
Reach students and young professionals at the University of Mannheim quickly and specifically with your job advertisements.
Place job ads in a targeted way!
You are looking for qualified junior staff? We support you in your recruiting process!
Publish your offers for internships, theses, trainee programs and direct entry in our online JobBoard.
Find out about our products and services for recruiting junior managers for your company.

Package A
Bachelor- & Master Thesis
Study-related work
1 job ad
Standard company profile
Publication period: 30 days
Price: 70 Euro*
Click here for booking!

Package B
Internship/work placement - Student-trainee activities - Trainee Program
Career entry - Young Professionals
1 job ad
Standard company profile
Publication period: 30 days
Costs: 150 Euro*
Click here for booking!

Permanent job ad
Internship/work placement - Trainee Program - Career entry
Young Professionals
1 job ad
Automatic refresh function
Standard company profile
Publication period: 12 months
Costs: 450 Euro*
Click here for booking!
Premium company profile
Use your company profile to inform our students about your company. Put your company philosophy and culture as well as your employer benefits in the spotlight and increase your chances of finding a suitable applicant.
Use attractive display options such as photo gallery, video integration, social media and other employer branding options.

Image & company logo
Integration of a video
Social Media
Benefits for employees
Contact person
Other locations
Link to Website or career page
Publication period: 6 months Publication period: 12 months
Costs: 750 Euro* Costs: 1,300 Euro*
Click here for booking!
Upgrades for your job ads
Increase the visibility of your job ad. All upgrade options can be added optionally while you create your ad. *All prices are per ad.
Job Booster
Your job ad will appear in rotation on your homepage throughout the complete publication period; this way you will attract more attention to your offer. 200 Euro*
Job Highlighter
Your job ad will be colour-highlighted in the search results, so it will stand out from other search results. 30 Euro*
Job Refresher
Your job ad will regularly be given a new upload date throughout the complete publication period; this way it will appear at the top of the search results again every two weeks. 30 Euro*
Publication Service
If you do not want to post your ad yourself, send it to us. We will take care of the publication as well as categorization for you. 40 Euro*
Do you have any questions about the JobBoard?
We will be pleases to help you!